I attended two 2-days trainings with my coworkers for Community Involvement and GAACs groups at the beginning and end of the month. I was getting frustrated with work this month because all I mostly did was sit around at the office 40 hours a week with not much to do while all my coworkers are really busy with their work and there's not much I can do to help with their work either. I just help out with computer questions like usual and small stuff here and there. I spent a lot of the time at work just watching tv shows (thank goodness for the new cheap unlimited internet data plan!), making bracelets to help out my REDES girls, and anything else I needed to do. After several attempts to find time to talk, I successfully bugged my coordinator to get going with the Juventude e Saude program! We're FINALLY meeting up with 3 school directors in Ancuabe, Metoro and Mesa to introduce the program to them next Wednesday. Just an introduction to present what we want to do since we can't form any groups until next year because the students have school break soon but it's a start! I also got to meet my new counterpart for the program. Oh one exciting new is that I got my org to agree to fund a malaria TOT I want to do next month at my site!! I'm just waiting on confirmation for the budget and a time to sit down and discuss the details of the TOT.
10/3/14- 10/5/14 Dance practices
10/7/14 We made matching bracelets for fun as we talk more about income generation projects we could do to raise fund for our Montepuez trip. We came up with a plan to make more bracelets and sell 5 for 10mts (about 33 cents) and headbands.
10/7/14 We made matching bracelets for fun as we talk more about income generation projects we could do to raise fund for our Montepuez trip. We came up with a plan to make more bracelets and sell 5 for 10mts (about 33 cents) and headbands.
Then we bought capulanas (with the money raised from selling hair clips.. thanks again to my friends who helped supported by buying one!) and went to the tailor to get it made into shorts for the dance performance.
10/12/14 Dia dos Professores aka performance day! The girls came over to my house in the morning for breakfast and to get ready. They got to try pancakes for the first time! :) We went to the praça where they do all the ceremony and met up with the school director. We participated in the flower ceremony and then we were told we weren't performing until 6pm so we all went home and met up again later in the evening. It was also day of campaigning so there was a huge parade going around town which I tried to avoid.
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Me and the dancing girls! Missing Sonia in the picture. |
We met up at Quinta Tropical at 6pm and of course it didn't start until almost 8:30pm. The girls did an awesome job and everyone seemed to enjoy their performance :) It was dark so I couldn't get a good video of them so here's a video from their final dance practice:
We decided to sell the headband for 15 mts, bangle bracelet for 10 mts, colorful bead bracelet for 2.5 mts and pink bead bracelet for 2 mts.
Hora das Crianças:
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10/9/14 Letter J and Cinderella coloring pages |
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10/23/14 Letter K and Wonder Woman coloring pages |
Other updates:
- We were on stand fast from Oct 8-20, meaning we're not allowed to leave our site since Oct 15 was election day. After stand fast, I finally was able to make a trip to Pemba for a much needed break from site to do banking and shopping. It was also a despideda weekend for Moz 19ers so I had a fun relaxing weekend hanging out with other volunteers.
-Rainy season is coming soon! There was a couple days of rain this month. I love it when it rains! Free water + temperature is a bit cooler. The only downside is that there are more bugs and mosquitoes =/
-I gave away 4 kittens this month, 1 goodbye left to go before Zambie's back to being an only child hahah and she's definitely pregnant.. Again.. For the 3rd time in a row
-I'm planning to start my Vovinam classes again in Nov! This month I was busy with the dance practices and income generation project with the REDES girls so I haven't taught a Vovinam class since I got back from the states.
-My coworkers been wanting to do English lessons again and I told them sure, anytime!.. but they're been really busy with work so that hasn't happened yet
-Spent a lot of time this month decorating my house more and reorganizing things. I also started working on Christmas presents for my coworkers, REDES girls, and neighbors :)