Ahhh!! I'm down to 8 weeks left at site and 9 weeks in Mozambique now. It seems to be only getting busier and busier with work. I'm also busier with secondary projects, trying to do Hora Das Criancas as much as possible with the children since I still have a lot of materials to use from the donation and training Josefina to facilitate more so she can successfully continue the REDES group when I'm gone. There are still a lot of activities I have in mind that I want to do with my REDES group so hopefully I will get to fit it all in before I leave. Even though a lot of people here already talked about how I'm going to leave soon and tell me that I should stay longer, it hasn't completely hit me hard yet that I don't have much time left... but I'm not looking forward to when it does either hahah I will be a crying mess =( Anyway, here's what I did in May:
COS Conference:
4/27-29/15 After a week in Cape Town, I went to Maputo for a 3 days Closing of Service (COS) conference. Some of the sessions we had includes COS packet and processing, post Peace Corps career planning, and how to adjust back to life in the U.S. It was good seeing everyone again, and for half the group, it was our last time seeing each other in Moz before we leave =(
COS Conference:
4/27-29/15 After a week in Cape Town, I went to Maputo for a 3 days Closing of Service (COS) conference. Some of the sessions we had includes COS packet and processing, post Peace Corps career planning, and how to adjust back to life in the U.S. It was good seeing everyone again, and for half the group, it was our last time seeing each other in Moz before we leave =(
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Moz 20 <3 |
5/8/15 We had a HIV/AIDS debate at Escola Secundaria de Mariri with a group of students. We got there late a bit late since it was far and then had technical difficulties with getting a movie about HIV to play so we were only able to have a short discussion about prevention and transmission outside before it gets too dark (there's no electricity in Mariri so no lights)
5/9-11/15 We had a 2.5 days training about terms of reference for the establishment and operation of the Comite de Co-Gestao in Ancuabe. For this training, we had an expert on the topic come to do the training. My supervisor and I will be running the next 5 trainings.. ahh!
We spent a lot of time this month planning the dates and budgets for the remaining trainings we have to do. They will all have to be on weekends.. boo! I was pretty unhappy about that so I asked for Thursdays and Fridays off. The first training was set for May 30-31, but the budget didn't get authorized in time so it didn't happen. This is the frustrating part of working here.. I have Thurs/Fri off if there's training on Sat/Sun.. and normal weekend off iftraining is postponed.. but I won't know until almost last minute! ahh! It makes it impossible to make any plans. I stopped doing my Vovinam classes on Sunday since I wasn't sure if I'd be free or not and I couldn't move it permanently to Friday afternoons either since I might have work. Boo! I'm planning to just teach a self defense move at the end of each REDES meeting now. At least that way I can still teach a bit of Vovinam! :)
I've also been teaching a new guy at work how to do very basic things on microsoft word this month and the whole experience has definitely been a challenge. I'm trying to be very understanding since this is probably his first time ever using a computer but my patience is being tested every day hahaha
5/5/15 The girls' first time playing puzzles! They raced each other to see who would finish first and then helped each other out. Team work :)
5/19/15 Today's health topic is oral hygiene! We talked about what it is, what good oral hygiene prevents, and we also talked about brushing and flossing. Then we flossed our teeth and demonstrate how to brush our teeth correctly. Our fun activity today is arranging 5 pieces to make a square.
5/26/15 The girls made a dream collage by cutting out pictures and words in magazines to represent what they want in life. Then we discussed what they have to do/continue doing/ avoid in order to reach their dreams.
I found out today that the school changed the schedule so more than half of my girls have classes in the morning now. I started doing 2 meetings today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, so that all of the girls can attend.
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morning group |
5/10/15 We practiced basic punches and kicks, attack forms #1 & 2, hand grabs, and shirt grabs
5/10/15 We practiced basic punches and kicks, attack forms #1 & 2, hand grabs, and shirt grabs
Malaria Task Force:
5/14-15/15 We had our annual training in Nampula. It was a jam-packed two days covering the epidemiology of malaria, behavior change, monitoring and evaluation, project ideas and action planning for the year.
Other updates:
-COS trips booked!! I'm so excited! 5 countries in 30 days :) Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Vietnam