Saturday, February 28, 2015

Work Updates & New REDES Group

So what happened last year after the holiday break happened again this year! My supervisor left for another job so the first half of the month was veryyyy slow at work. I pretty much just show up and sit around until it's time to leave like everyone else. The facilitators were all in Chiure for motorcycle training for 2ish weeks as well so there weren't really anything for me to help out with anyways. I watched a lot of tv shows and played a lot of sumoku! hahaha I also did get to focus on my tasks for the Malaria Task Force team and got work done.

Second half of February, I got a new supervisor and things started to get busy real quick! I'm currently working with him to implement a water project in Ancuabe. We finished drafting up a presentation and going to finalize it and set up a date to present to the governor and key partners soon. Once that's done, the real work begins with setting up training about the project to the facilitators and health committee and building the water pumps throughout the community. I'm also facilitating another malaria training of trainers next week so I've been busy preparing for that.

Hora das Crianças:

2/3/15 Letter 'P' and coloring pages
2/14/15 Coloring hearts
2/24/15 The new school year started for the kids here. I wasn't planning to do REDES this year but some of my old girls came over and asked when we are meeting again so I decided to start my REDES group again. I told my old girls to bring any of their friends that would want to join. I had 7 girls that came to the first meeting, yay! We just talked about what REDES is and what we will do. I had them draw a collage about themselves to use it to introduce themselves to the rest of the group. We will be meeting every Tuesdays to learn and Sundays to dance. I have 4 more girls coming to the next meeting so I'm excited to have a big group again! I still have yet to find a counterpart for my REDES group but it's been a challenge =/ I'm planning to ask the school director again for help with this.

Other updates:
-2/2/15 I dyed my hair red again! I was waiting to have excess amount of rain water to do it.

-2/9/15 After 28 days of power outage, POWER FINALLY CAME BACK!!
-2/18/15 Celebrated lunar new year with friends in Pemba with lots of yummy food :)

-2/19/15 I found a supermarket in the city that sells my favorite instant fried noodles!!

-2/20/15 Zambie finally gave birth! 5 kittens again! They're so cute!!! My iphone is filled with cats again.. I can't stop taking pictures of them!

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