Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cape Town Trip

I had an amazing week in Cape Town!! I went with Bryan and met up with 4 PCVs from my group there. Cape Town is beauuutiful and so much to see and do! I'm really happy with how my week went and definitely feel like I've wasted no time to do everything I wanted. We had a tour planned for every day of the week! :) I also ate soooo much and had so many frap and milkshakes!! :D

Saturday 4/18/15
Our flight to Johannesburg was at 3pm and our connecting flight to Cape Town wasn't until 7:30am the next morning. We had a 13h40m layover in Johannesburg so we just hung out around the airport. We could have gotten to Cape Town on the same day but it would have been at night so I figured I'd rather spend the night at the airport for free than arriving late at night, finding out way to the hostel to check in and pay an extra night just to sleep.

Sunday 4/19/15
We arrived in Cape Town and took a taxi to our hostel. Between 4 people, the cost wasn't too bad! We stayed at Amber Tree Lodge and it was an awesome hostel. It's close to the town center, small and cozy. It also have a great balcony view of Table Mountain. 

After lunch, Bryan and I took a taxi to Table Mountain and started our hike up to the top. it was definitely one of the toughest hike I've ever done! It was pretty much like doing stair master for 2 hours. Some part of the trail was steep and I had to get on all 4 to climb up the steps. Once we got to the top, it was definitely worth it!

We took the cable car to get down :)
Monday 4/20/15
We booked our shark cage diving tour at and ended up with Supreme Shark. Great company!

The water was freezing cold!!! 10c degree! We saw 8 sharks ranging from 6 to 11 feet. Pretty cool experience!

Tuesday 4/21/15
We bought tickets for the city sightseeing hop on hop off bus online since it was R20 cheaper :) We started on the yellow route, then jumped onto to blue then red.

Stop 17: District 6 Museum. R30
Delicious cupcakes down the street from the museum
Stop 18: Good Hope Castle
City Hall balcony! Really close to the castle
Stop 24: Hout Bay
Stop 1: V&A Waterfront
We hiked to the top of Lion's Head and waited for the sunset. This hike was tough too and I'm so glad Bryan had a flashlight for our hike down the mountain since it was dark. The view was amazing! You get a 360 view of Cape Town from the top and the sunset was beautiful.

Night lights view of Cape Town
Wednesday 4/22/15
We booked a safari tour with Aquila Private Game Reserve, just less than 2 hours outside of Cape Town. 

Buffet breakfast and lunch included!
with wine or grape juice break
We saw the Big 5!!!
Thursday 4/23/15
We did the Wine flies tour with our friends and we learned so much about wines! We learned about how wine is made, how to taste wine and what food to pair it with. It was fun, we went to 5 wine estates. I definitely could not handle all the wines hahaha by the end of the tour, we had about 33 glasses of wine (I think that's what the tour guy said). I quit drinking half way through the 2nd wine estate and had Bryan take all of mine.. poor guy hahaha

Friday 4/24/15
We booked a Cape Peninsula tour through and our tour guy was sooo awesome!

We got tostop along the way to take pictures
Cape of Good Hope
Cape Point Lighthouse
African penguin colony at Boulder Beach
Our bonus stop!! Kirstenbosch National Botanical garden
We asked to be dropped off at the VA Waterfront :)
Saturday 4/25/15
My flight back to Joburg was at 1:30pm so we got up early and walked around town some more before I had to leave at 11am. 
So surprised to find this wall!! Now I don't have to wait to go back to San Diego
Exploring the Bo Kaap neighborhood

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